4 In Scrapbooking/ Week in the Life/ WITL2016

Week in the Life: Wednesday | Photos + Stories


Happy Thursday, friends!

I’m sharing my Wednesday photos + stories from “Week in the Life” today on the blog! Three days in (not counting what I’ve done so far today) and I am still loving it!

Here’s the snapshot of our day and the stories behind them:


7:28 am | Slept in some today. Michael was up all night working on a big work project and I didn’t sleep that well. He’ll be home today, I’m sure, and our routine will be thrown way off. I’m glad I slept in a bit, but hate that I already feel behind on stuff. How my Wednesday is starting.


8:32 am | Still sleeping.


8:47 am | At the breakfast table with Jack and Luke. It’s super dreary out this morning.


10:29 am | This is what Maggie does every time I stretch after I exercise of when I’m doing planks. She weaves in and out under me trying to play. It’s hilarious!


10:54 am| Shower.


12:20 pm | Lunch on the go today.


1:07 pm | Lots of trips to the potty, but I’ll take that over diapers any day. :)


1:17 pm | Just some of the stuffed animals and goodies on Caylin’s bed.


1:49 pm | Jack in his room. He loves to take everything apart and put things back together in different ways. His floor is ALWAYS a mess. He’ll dump something out and then just continue to dump other stuff out until you can’t see his floor or even walk across it. The Spiderman tin is a favorite of his. He puts all sort of goodies in it – TeenyMates, Legos, bits and pieces of toys, usually when you see Jack – you’ll see that tin.


2:17 pm | Caylin has been in the bonus room most of the day just lounging and coloring in her coloring book. She has a sore throat and just been taking it easy.


2:27 pm | Heading out to run some errands.


2:53 pm | Quick trip to Office Depot to pick up some 8.5×11 photo paper to use in my Week in the Life album. I could stay in here all day. LOVE me some office supplies.


3:02 pm | Quick stop at Publix to pick up a couple of Suja Juices.


4:13 pm |Luke & Michael napping away. They’re napping buddies.


4:15 pm | Hanging out on the porch with Maggie. She spies a bird.


5:10 pm | Luke playing with his two favorite action figures right now – Batman & Robin. He wants a Batman party in a few months for his third birthday. He’s pretty adamant about it.


6:29 pm | Hanging out on the couch after dinner with my little buddy. He was telling me all about Batman and Robin.


7:47 pm | I’ll find Jack a lot in the homeschool room coloring away on some paper. He loves to draw “monsters” and other cool things fighting and battling it out.


8:16 pm | I am SO proud of Michael. He’s going to kill me for snapping this picture (and probably the one of him napping, LOL), but it’s super important for me to record this and show our children what hard work and determination can do. He’s been exercising every day, not matter HOW tired he is at night, and he’s lost almost 40 pounds since January. He’s eating better, using the oils and just taking care of himself so much better. He inspires me. WED20

8:20 pm | Lots of brushing, flossing and mouthwashing every day. Lovin’ my Invisalign.


8:25 pm | I love stepping out on my front porch to watch the sun set. It’s so peaceful and beautiful. Tonight I want to remember how Luke will just casually walk by me and say, “You’re awesome, Mama” and then go on his way. And how I saw Caylin in the bonus room window flashing the “I love you sign” to me as I was driving away to run some errands today. And how Jack still requests an “up high hug” which is when I pick him up and give him a big hug. I think he asked me two times today and I obliged. So many blessings to reflect on after this busy, busy day that flew by in a flash.


8:47 pm | Jack working away on building a super cool Lego creation on his dresser.

That’s it for Wednesday, friends! Another full day and love the photos + stories I captured! I’m trying to keep the momentum up for the rest of the time! So far so good!

Have a great day! XO!

  • Traci
    May 12, 2016 at 1:31 pm

    Ahh yes, my dog looooooves to play under/on top of/all around me while I’m stretching, too. I also get lots of “love licks” while I’m sweaty.

    Your husband’s dedication is motivational!

    • Kristina
      May 16, 2016 at 8:16 pm

      Hi Traci! Thanks for stopping by and for the sweet words! Glad you can relate to the doggie interference! ;) XO!

  • Monica Andrews
    May 12, 2016 at 4:20 pm

    I love getting these glimpses into people lives! Your little ones are just precious!

    • Kristina
      May 16, 2016 at 8:16 pm

      Hi Monica!! Thank you for stopping by and for the sweet words about my kids!! XO!