3 In Scrapbooking/ Week in the Life/ WITL2016

Week in the Life: Thursday | Photos + Stories


Happy Friday! Yay!

I’m just truckin’ along here this week photographing and documenting little stories along the way! How are y’all doing? I’ve noticed that I haven’t taken AS many photos these past couple of days, but still think I’m documenting a good amount of stuff and not going to stress about it one bit.

Here are my photographs + stories from yesterday, Thursday!


5:59 am | After I let Maggie out I put 3-4 cookies in her dish. She always goes directly to her dish for her morning treat.


6:35 am | Just finished my breakfast and now watching one of my guilty pleasures – Dancing With the Stars.


7:08 am | Luke currently.


8:33 am | I’ve got the dishwasher going, but more dishes dirty than I could fit in it. So, filling up one side of the sink with bubbly water to throw the rest in. Much better than a sink full of dirty dishes.


8:37 am | Caylin is all about happy socks. She’s a girl after my own heart. This is today’s pair.


8:47 am | Brushing Luke’s teeth. I always say, “CHEESEBURGER” instead of cheese to get him to smile so I can brush those front teeth good! ;)


10:04 am | My desk currently.


10:25 am | Jack’s latest Lego creation. He named him Stanley.


10:53 am | More legos.


11:20 am | Lunch. Organic beef hot dog with mustard, ketchup and sliced pickles.


12:13 pm | Giving Caylin insulin for her lunch.


12:17 pm | Having a little sweet treat after lunch. These are a favorite of ours –  Chocolate Chip Cookie Chips.


1:31 pm | Went to check the mail and Maggie came along. There were storms coming and so I grabbed the empty trash can at the curb, too.


1:33 pm | Took a screen shot of my phone showing the storms coming our way.


2:19 pm | A look outside our bonus room window at the stormy clouds.


3:09 pm | Time to blow dry the hair. This takes a good 20 minutes. THU18

4:07 pm | Snapped a shot of Maggie on her bed. I’m so thankful to be including her more this go-around. Bless her.


4:10 pm| Luke’s wearing his favorite shirt which has superheroes on it, Hulk is his current favorite. He loves to say the word, “poop,” he only eats meat because we told him he’ll grow muscles (which technically isn’t incorrect), he could eat a whole cucumber himself in a few minutes time and he loves “Lego Hulk” and “Blaze.”


5:27 pm | Dinner. THU21

6:00 pm | Went to get something out of the fridge and discovered a monkey lock on it courtesy of Jack.


8:13 pm | Stepped out on the front porch again tonight. The clouds looked so cool and this time Caylin was with me. She told me that people are going to think I’m nuts taking pictures of the sky, but I told her that I didn’t care, besides – who could really see me? ;)


8:25 pm | Not the best light, but Cayin wanted a selfie when we were on the back porch checking on the little bird that was in our tree. Love these sweet times with MY baby bird.


8:33 pm |Being silly in the bathroom mirror with Luke while Caylin and Jack are getting ready for bed.

Thursday’s in the books, friends! On to Friday! I’ll be back tomorrow to share my Friday photos! Have a blessed day!!!

  • Theresa
    May 13, 2016 at 4:14 pm

    I here from Ali’s Facebook group. Love the pictures- thanks for sharing!

    Just fYi: it used to take me 20+ minutes to dry my hair, too, but I discovered that the ionic ceramic hair dryers do it in less than 5!!! Seriously! I bought mine at tjmaxx (gem force) for about 1/2 of what they cost on Amazon. Hope this helps! It’s been a life-saver for me!

  • Patti
    May 13, 2016 at 9:11 pm

    Great photos, love all the different perspectives.

  • Nicole M.
    May 13, 2016 at 9:53 pm

    Great photos, once again :) I especially love the one of the evening sky, and the selfie of you and your daughter. Both beautiful pictures :) Thanks for sharing!