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    In Scrapbooking/ Week in the Life/ WITL2018

    Week in the Life™ 2018 Completed Album

    Hey friends! I shared my completed 2018 Week in the Life™ album about a month ago in my IG stories, but I wanted to share some photos from my album here just in case if you didn’t catch it there, you can get a peek at it and I can let you know that I’ve saved the walkthrough of my album over in my DOCUMENT highlight category on my Instagram account. If you’re not following me yet, I’d love for you to! You can find me at @kristina.proffitt

    I kept my album super simple and I loved how I could just easily transfer my journaling from the day directly from here on my blog to the pages of my album. So not only do I post here on the blog to share it with you – but I love just having it all saved as I post and it’s super easy to just copy + paste into my album. 

    I took a lot of inspiration from Ali’s album, honestly. I did a few things exactly like her and then for some things I just came up with stuff on my own. I love getting inspiration from other scrapbookers and Ali always makes it so easy and I love the way she utilizes the products in her kit so it was a no-brainer for me. 

    Another way that I utilized the product from the main kit that I purchased – what punching a couple of holes in this 3×4 filler card and then just putting it directly into my album. The back just simply has a sticker on it that says, “HELLO stories.” 

    I also loved including 2 4×6 photos adhered back-to-back in this album (like I have in past albums) to incorporate more photos without having to add more pocket pages. It’s a little trick I do and I’m obsessed with add index tabs to my albums and so that helps with that as well. Gotta love the Avery index tabs!! Am I right?! Ha! 

    The only thing that I did that I loved (and I do this in my WITL since it’s a yearly thing that I do) is I did a currently list for each of my kids. I love looking back on those and so I simply asked them the questions, typed it out on some white cardstock, cut it out and then adhered  it to the back of their large 6×8 photo that I included in the album with some washi tape. Done! 

    I also added a couple of 3×8 inserts into this album. You can see one above and when you check out my album on my IG feed, you’ll see the other one. Loved this size and just incorporating difference sizes, textures, depths, etc. in my albums. 

    And so there you go, friends. A little sneak peek of my completed Week in the Life™ album for 2018, but like I said, if you’d like to look through the entire thing – follow me on IG! I’d love to follow you back! 


    Find out more about Week in the Life™ HERE on Ali’s website!