10 In Scrapbooking/ Week in the Life/ WITL2016

Week in the Life: Monday | Photos & Stories


Hi friends!

If you’re doing the WITL, how did the first day go for you? I loved it! I was sure to take lots of photos throughout the day and so I’m hoping I can keep up the momentum as I go along in the week. Last year I sputtered out a bit mid-way and I don’t want to do that this time! Ha! I think I’m more prepared this go-around so we’ll see! I posted quite a few photos already on my IG account so if you follow me over there (@kristina.proffitt) then you can see me post photos here and there throughout the week, but this is a recap and the journaling for all of the photos I took. I figured by posting this way on my blog I can keep myself accountable and hopefully inspire others, too!


1:02 am | Starting my “week in the life” memory keeping project with a 1am blood sugar check for Caylin. Yep, I check EVERY morning at 1am. Michael checks her on Friday and Saturday nights to give me a bit of a break. Not fun, but real life.


5:47 am | My alarm goes off at 5:45 so that I can make Michael and I our Shakeology for breakfast. I am a morning person so I love to get up before everyone else, eat my breakfast, read a bit and just enjoy the quiet. I was a bit bummed that my avocados weren’t ripe enough this morning for the shake, but I did put banana, coconut oil, cashew milk, blueberries and strawberries in it.


6:33 am | Luke is still sleeping with us at the moment. He’s going to make the transition to his own bed soon, but for now I’m enjoying the sweet snuggles that I get from him. I love watching him sleep. He’s a belly sleeper like his Daddy.


6:39 am | Maggie’s ready to go out.


7:16 am | After breakfast, Caylin and Luke got back in my bed and got cozy. Lots of snuggles and giggles until I kicked them out so I could wash the bedding. It’s Monday, after all.


7:25 am | Finally getting around to drinking my breakfast. It was in the fridge for a smidge. Still delicious and super ice cold, just like I like it.


7:32 am | Breakfast time. Caylin is having an organic granola bar and some chocolate almond milk. Luke is having a granola bar, some applesauce and some organic fruit bunnies. Jack is still asleep. They’re having a picnic in the living room since Maggie peed on my pottery barn rug under our table in our breakfast nook. I wasn’t happy about that this morning. She’s getting older and having accidents and we’ve ruled out any health issues (she had a full work up done on Thursday) – it’s just behavioral – the vet is thinking maybe an onset of dementia. Bless her, but why my Pottery Barn rug. Ugh.


8:04 am | Total Cardio Fix done. It took all I had to get this done this morning. I think Luke interrupted me about ten times – a couple of times he had to go potty – but I got it done and can get on with the rest of my day.


8:49 am | Time for a potty break. There are A LOT of these during the day. ;)


8:56 am | Luke has already chosen his big boy undies for the day. Superhero ones with his favorite right now – Hulk – on them. He’s got crazy bed head and he’s trying to find his Superman action figure.


9:18 am | Kids get a bit of iPad time. Caylin’s up first and so the boys sit around and watch her. She’s playing a new Paw Patrol app that Luke learned for going potty like a big boy.


10:35 am | Getting some school done before lunch. Lots of history, a Math quiz, spelling quiz and some Science. her favorite subject is Math. Always has been and I’m sure it always will be. She cringes every time we do history and even though she got a 100% on her Spelling quiz today, it’s probably her second least favorite subject. Math & Bible are what she’s excited about the most.


10:46 am | Getting some laundry in.


11:42 am | Making the kids’ lunch. Today they requested homemade pizzas. None of them like cheese much though so I’m sure I’ll see a bunch of it left on their plates when they’re done. So funny because when I was little, that was the best part of the pizza. Still is!


11:58 am | Got the kids’ lunch in the oven and whipped up my own lunch – an omelette and some turkey bacon.

MON1512:17 pm | Time to hang up some laundry now.


12:59 pm | This is where Maggie likes to nap right now – in the dining room on the rug.


1:40 pm | Time for a snack.


3:15 pm | Jack is pretending to be a police officer. He’s been writing us all tickets today and wanting to arrest us. Caylin and I are doing more school.


3:57 pm | Working on some business stuff outside on the screened-in porch. Feels so good out here and it’s quiet!


4:16 pm | Went to get the Maggie and take the trash can back from the curb and Maggie came with me. She stayed at the front door for a bit until I called her and then she came running.


5:36 pm | Dinner tonight was spaghetti. My easy go-to meal that everyone loves. Michael is working late so I’m making him a plate for when he gets home in just a bit and I’m slicing more cucumbers. My kids could eat cucumbers at every meal. Seriously.


6:22 pm | Michael just got home from work a bit late and is eating the spaghetti that I saved for him. He’s got his work laptop open and going. He’s got a big project going on at work.


6:50 pm | Got Jack in the bath first. He’s got just about every solider action figure that he owns in there and they’re battling a villain called, “Water Man.” It’s an evil guy who can control the sea creatures and makes them attack the soldiers. Supposedly the soldiers are winning, but he just got in trouble for splashing way too much, so I’m not sure if they’ll be able to conquer Water Man completely.


7:34 pm | Practicing flash cards with Jack. I meant to do this earlier, but forgot and so we’re hanging out in the bonus room together going over them while Caylin is in the bath. He’s got all of the ABCs down now!


8:19 pm | Working at my desk on some designs to put in my Week in the Life album. Listening to my favorite CD right now by Lauren Daigle.


9:07 pm | Every weeknight – kids all get on our bed while Michael irons his work clothes for the next day and they watch a cartoon together. Last night they watched The Thundermans and some of Word Girl. (Michael’s a bit blurry, but hey – it’s still a memory I got down. Ha!)


9:53 pm | Luke has been fast asleep for a good bit, but Caylin and Jack are just NOW getting to bed. It’s been a busy night, but thankfully since we homeschool we can be a bit flexible when needed. Ha! Jack has been sleeping in Caylin’s been on and off for a bit and tonight they’re having a sleepover! Caylin is of course hugging her beloved Pikachu and Jack is striking some kind of ninja pose. Figures. I’ve got their Thieves going in the diffuser and I gave them a bajillion hugs (they always call me back in the room for more).

And that, my friends, is the end of DAY 1 of my Week in the Life documentation. Thanks for following along with me and for stopping by!


  • Mandy
    May 10, 2016 at 9:16 am

    Love your screened in porch!

    • Kristina
      May 10, 2016 at 10:24 am

      Thank you, Mandy!! XO!

  • Carol
    May 10, 2016 at 9:18 am

    Love reading/ seeing your day!!!!

    • Kristina
      May 10, 2016 at 10:24 am

      Thank you, Carol!! XO!

  • Nicole M.
    May 10, 2016 at 12:22 pm

    So many great photos and moments captured! Love this :) Looking forward to following along for the week!

  • Janet Carr
    May 10, 2016 at 2:30 pm

    I soooooo LOVED seeing and reading about your day sweet friend!!!! I’m doing Shakeology too… just finished the 21 day fix (we should trade recipes)… and I lost quite a bit of weight and inches!! Down 37 lbs since Jan.!! And… I just can’t believe how your babies have grown… I remember when Caylin was just a baby… ohhhh sweetie, where has the time gone??

  • rhonda
    May 10, 2016 at 2:38 pm

    This is awesome!!!! Love all the moments you caught!

  • Monica Andrews
    May 10, 2016 at 3:36 pm

    I loved seeing your day so much! You caught some truly priceless moments. And I love how you time stamped everything. I do that for Day in the Life, but didn’t even consider it for this week.

  • Kristen
    May 11, 2016 at 9:27 am

    I love the snapshots of your day! It looks like you have some really fun rituals together.

  • Tracie Claiborne
    May 12, 2016 at 2:13 am

    This is so wonderful!! I wanna get a pic of Caroline and me snuggling in the bed in the morning. I don’t know how though. :)