2 In Happiness/ Inspiration/ Project Life/ Review

Spotlight: Lovespun Studio


You all know that I love super cute handmade goodies, right? Well, I also love super sweet folks and “Lovespun Studio” has BOTH. I first met sweet Kirsten at the Inspired Workshop that I attended last year. She was so sweet and although we didn’t get to chat that much, I knew I had made a friend and I was so happy that we’ve kept in touch since then. 

Kirsten makes the cutest things. She is AWESOME on the sewing machine and I admire that so much since I’m HORRIBLE at my sewing machine. LOL. We decided to share each others shops with our awesome blog readers and so I’m super happy to be spotlighting Kirsten and her shop, Lovespun Studio today.

Kirsten sent me some cute goodies that I was just so giddy about! Anything that she creates is adorable, but these things had me “oooohing” and “aaaaahhhing” even more.

First up, I just LOVE this adorable fabric by Ann Kelle. Kelle Boyd, owner and designer of Ann Kelle, is one of my most favorite designers and she was actually a speaker at the Inspired Workshop that both Kirsten and I attended and met at. Kelle is one of the nicest people, too and so I was so happy when Kirsten made a cute pillowcase with Kelle’s Slipper fabric from her “Girlfriends” collection. Caylin is all about dancing and pink and so she LOVED this pillowcase and it sits on her cute ladybug bean bag now in her little reading nook in her room. SO cute!


Kirsten knew that I love polka dots, chevron, yellow and blue and so she made me these two pillowcases that I love!



Aren’t they just so cute and happy? Below you can see all three pillowcases. They’re all stitched together perfectly and the quality is wonderful.


Sweet Kirsten also made Caylin this adorable Sunshine Stripes Knit Twirl Circle Skirt. Once again it has some of my favorite colors (yellow and blue) and I just love the whimsical and sweet feel of the skirt with the stripes and polka dots. Kirsten is fabulous at mixing fabrics and patterns! This skirt fit Caylin perfectly and the knit material made it super comfortable! The most important aspect of this skirt though is that it is the perfect “twirling” skirt for the sweet girl in your life. Caylin gave it a 10 on the twirl scale! Super important, if you ask me! ;)


This next goodie she sent to me is VERY cool and you can use it for a lot of things! It’s a Zippy Envelope Wallet. Now I believe the original idea behind these super cute and funky wallets were for the envelope system (ala Dave Ramsey) so that you could keep a budget and save money, etc. You could also use this as a really cute coupon wallet where you store your coupons and organize them by categories, etc.

The really neat thing that I found is that this wallet is PERFECT to use with Project Life ®. Let me show you…


The 3×4 cards fit perfectly in these little zippered divided pockets. It would be perfect to fill up and take with you if you are going to a friend’s house to work on your Project Life ®, if you are going to a crop or even just to store your cards in your craft room.


You can even fill the pockets up with some blank white 3×4 cards or lined 3×4 cards and then stick it in your purse and when you have something to document you can whip it out, grab a card and write down whatever you wanted to remember.


Each pocket has a plastic label holder, which I think is so neat and comes in handy!


On the back of the wallet there is this section of little divided spots. Perfect to slide in more cards or anything else you’d like!


This little clear pocket is perfect to slide in one of Becky’s Project Life ® pens by American Crafts. They’re one of my favorite pens to use. That and the fine tip black Sharpie marker. You could also slide in some 3×4 pictures or small embellishments to take with you if you are traveling with some Project Life ® goodies.



That wallet really is the coolest thing and I love the colors and patterns that Kirsten used! Total eye candy and can be used for lots of different things!

Thank you, Kirsten for the sweet goodies and most importantly for being such a sweet friend! I love everything you create! Oh, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TOO! (Today just so happens to be Kirsten’s birthday)! ;)

Be sure you check out Kirsten’s blog HERE and her shop HERE. You’ll be so happy that you did!

Thanks for stopping by! Have a great Friday and weekend ahead, blog friends!

  • Disclosure: Kirsten sent me the above goodies, but all opinions about what she made are all my own. She rocks the handmade goods. I’m serious, ya’ll.
  • Jen Peitz
    September 6, 2013 at 2:45 pm

    I really like that wallet, but didn’t see it in her shop. Should we contact her directly regarding price, etc?

  • shelby
    September 7, 2013 at 7:51 pm

    oh goodness. I definitely think I am going to need one of those aqua chevron pillow cases for baby girl’s room! so cute :)