1 In Type 1 Diabetes/ Type 1 Tuesday

A good night’s sleep?


I just love the above someecard. Totally made me laugh and I totally can relate. A “D” parent is a parent of a child with diabetes. Oftentimes we’re called “D-Moms” or “D-Dads.” It’s true – a good night’s sleep is hard to come by. Last week, while Caylin was suffering through one of her worst colds yet, I was up EVERY two hours checking her blood sugar and her temperature. I was a walking zombie, I tell ya. You do what you have to do though for the health, well-being and safety of your child. At least when the new baby comes this August, the lack of sleep won’t bother me one bit. See … I’m looking on the bright side. ;)

  • Susan Lankford
    February 19, 2013 at 11:20 am

    Bless your heart and your wonderful example…praying for you and yours.