2 In Happiness

Lots of cute…

This post is going to contain a lot of cute stuff. You’ve been warned. ;)

First of all, more CHA goodness I’ve seen this week.

LOVE what Doodlebug puts out. Their happy colors, cute graphics and great prices always combine for a lot of purchases from me! LOL!

Here are some of the cute things they’re coming out with:

Such cute stickers called Doodle-Pops! 

They always have the CUTEST booth at CHA, too! Love that blue hutch! I NEED that for my studio. ;) 

 Oh, and TWINE? Um, yes please. Those colors make me happy!

And an update on:

We had a date for our launch set for July 15th, but as you can see – that day came and went and I meant to update on why. We got word that Blogger might be making some changes in the next couple of weeks, so we pushed back the launch until August 5th so that we can check out the changes (if there are any and just what they are) so that everything we create for you is good to go! It’ll be worth the wait though! LOTS of SUPER cute free goodies for you coming soon! Be sure to check out our website HERE and also our Facebook page HERE and like us! 
And a couple more cute things:

Told ya this was full of cute stuff. Heehee! Have a blessed day! Hugs!!

  • mysteryhistorymom
    July 21, 2011 at 4:23 pm

    Toooooooo cute! Thanks for sharing! Lori

  • Lesa
    July 21, 2011 at 4:55 pm

    Love lots of cuteness! Is CHA the one in Chicago? If so, my brother was just there or is still there with his business called Oh my crafts.