In Scrapbooking/ Week in the Life/ WITL2018

Week in the Life™ 2018 | Sunday Words + Photos

This past week flew by incredibly fast and once again, I’m so thankful that I embarked on this Week in the Life documentation again this year – making it four years in a row that I’ve done it. I can’t wait to have some time to work on my album in the days ahead (we’ll see how that goes and of course I’ll share it here when I’m done). Today I’m super thankful for this really awesome look at a week of my family’s life and thankful for photographs and the memories that are attached to them. 

Just super thankful today. 

Here are my Sunday words + photos:

10:05am | Slept in on this Mother’s Day and it was glorious. Had cinnamon rolls for breakfast and lots of hugs, too. Pulled out my Project Life and going to get some scrapbooking done today after church. Thankful for a sweet start to this day.

10:27am | Me and my three knuckleheads. So thankful to be their Mama.

11:24 am | One of my favorite meals right now – a spinach omelet with pico. Yum!

1:25pm | This sweet little dog is from the shop @parlimentandpeck. I love her sweet little clay figures and was going to her shop to see if there were anymore clay unicorns left to surprise Caylin, but instead, I was surprised. You see, the unicorn was already sold, but there in her shop was this little white dog with the turquoise collar, just like my Maggie. No coincidence. Of course I had to buy it and well, here it is. Sweet Jack was looking at it the day that I got it and he accidentally dropped it and the tail broke. I had it for like 10 seconds and he felt horrible. I told him it was ok because it was an accident. Last night I got some super glue and today I glued that sweet little tail back on. Just like new. Missing my sweet girl. Thankful for sweet little reminders of her and her love scattered throughout my days.

4:02pm | Currently on Caylin’s nightstand.

4:14pm | Took a quick bathroom mirror selfie. 

5:25pm | Just round this rock on a bench where we’re sitting in the park.

5:31pm | Got some Farm Burger to have a little picnic on a bench in downtown Huntsville. The cooler had some coconut ice cream sandwiches in it and let’s just say our bellies were extremely happy. 

6:01pm | Doing a little exploring.

6:02pm | Exploring the downtown in my new Sketchers. It’s seriously like walking on a cloud.

6:11 pm | Duck watching downtown. 

6:17pm | Snapped this photo of Caylin and just can’t get over how grown up she’s looking. All of the kids happily smiled for pictures today on Mother’s Day. THAT in itself is a gift. ;) 

6:22pm | Feeding the ducks. I luckily had one quarter in my purse to buy some duck food and each of the kids grabbed a bit to feed the ducks. They actually ended up feeing the big fish more than the ducks though – those fish were hungry and SO crazy and well, the ducks weren’t big fans. 

6:32pm | I couldn’t resist this colorful sculpture with my cute kids in front.

6:54pm | Sat on the stairs of the museum of art to get a photo with my little crew. We were all a bit hot and tired, but I’d say it was a success. ? My favorite Mother’s Day to date!

8:09pm | Late night walk to get our steps in and chat about the week ahead. Gosh, do I love this guy. And he even let me take his photo! Score! 

And that’s the end of my Week in the Life Documentation, friends. 

So thankful to have another one in the books … or at least GOING into a book soon! Ha! ;) I’ll keep you posted on how all of that goes, but for now just loving this sweet little documentation of our life. 

I hope that if you were documenting your Week in the Life this week that you had a great experience, too! Leave me a comment if you posted your photos – I’d love to check it out! Thanks for following along here and/or on Instagram, friends!