In Inspiration/ Photography/ Pieces of Me/ Scrapbooking

Pieces Of Us Project | Wednesday: Face Forward

Today is day 3 of the Pieces of Us Project and I’m really loving it. Here are the photos that I took for this prompt:

It’s not easy snapping a photo of your face, especially at 42, but the older I get, the more I cherish and love the wrinkles on my skin, the gray hairs that are starting to line my face and the bags under my eyes. I wish that I would have loved myself more early on, but just thankful that I really have a new appreciation and love for what God made me. I was created in HIS image and THAT is what matters most – THAT is why all of us our beautiful and matter. There’s a song that I love right now called, “People Grow Old.” It’s by @lorimckennama and there’s a line in it that says, “Every line on your face tells a story that someone knows.” Love those lines, friends. Smile even if it’s crooked and get in the photo more, even if you have to take a super awkward selfie. You are beautiful. You are enough. Your face holds so many stories … tell them.

We loaded up the car today to snag some Chick-Fil-A for dinner. Usually it’s just Caylin and I running the errands together or going through the drive thru really quickly to grab something to eat, but this time the boys wanted to come, too. We were SO thankful to see the sun come out on our drive. It’s been a really raining and dreary February so far and so it was just a beautiful sight to see it peek through the clouds and then shine so bright we had to pull out our sunglasses! We sang at the top of our lungs songs by Imagine Dragons, the Trolls Soundtrack and then a song called, “Build Your Machine” that Jack loves. It’s from one of his video games. It’s super weird, but they all loved it and it was a fun time, plus we got lots of Chick-Fil-A sauce so I’d say it was a successful trip. This face does a lot of smiling with these kiddos. It always has big bags under its eyes from sleepless nights being up with blood sugar checks or currently getting kicked in the ribs by Luke when I sleep.

Currently using the light from the TV to snap this photo. Everyone has gone to bed, Luke is asleep next me, Michael took his laptop downstairs and I’ve got my hair in a messy bun ready to call it a night. Watching a super funny episode of The Office and staring at Luke’s sweet face a lot. I can’t help it. I could just snuggle him all night when he sleeps. This is the tired face of a happy Mama. A tired, but happy Mama.

This is day three – face forward.

If you’d like to learn more about this documentation project, head on over to Ali’s website HERE. She does SO many cool documentation projects. My favorites are Day in the Life, Week in the Life and December Daily. She’s just an all around rad story-teller and picture taker that I know you’d love.