In Inspiration/ Photography/ Pieces of Me/ Scrapbooking

Pieces Of Us Project | Sunday: Reflection

Yesterday was the final day of the Pieces of Us photo documentation and the word prompt was: reflection. I thought it was the perfect way to end the project. Here are the three photos that I took yesterday for that word prompt:

This is me right after I rolled out of bed. Like I literally didn’t even have my eyes open all of the way yet! Ha! My uniform lately are super cozy leggings, a cozy tee or sweatshirt and my hair is usually pulled back. I wear that all day and then sleep in it, too! Ha! I’m wondering where the weekend went and how the morning comes so quickly. Thankful for the sun shining today and the sounds of my boys playing games in their room.

Running some errands and enjoying the beautiful clouds in the sky. Laughing at myself looking at this photograph because I only have one nail with polish on it – I’ve picked it off all of my other nails. I really need to do my nails. Running my to-do list for the day in my head and excited to get home and relax. It’s been a good day so far.

Today’s prompt is reflection and right now we’re all sitting in the car at the Target parking lot waiting on Michael to get back after he ran in and pick up a few things. We’ve played charades, there have been whines about how hot it is and then hold cold it is (once I rolled the windows down), but the sun is shining and we are together and that, I am thankful for. I love these knuckleheads.

What a wonderful way to end this project. As I reflect back on the project as a whole, I can’t express enough just how amazing it has been to go and look at the hashtag and see all of the amazing, beautiful people doing this project alongside me. It’s empowering and so cool. I am so glad that I took the time this week for this documentation and I can’t wait to print the photos out and put them altogether in some form. I’m not quite just how I’m doing it just yet, but I will share it once I’m done.

Thankful for scrapbooking. Thankful for pictures. Thankful for this life.