In Inspiration/ Scrapbooking/ Week in the Life/ WITL2019

Week in the Life™ 2019 | Wednesday Words + Photos

WEDNESDAY 6:44 am | Up with the sun again.

WEDNESDAY 7:07 am | After she’s done eating her breakfast, she always comes and jumps up on the loveseat to hang out with me.

WEDNESDAY 10:24 am | Hopped into my oil education group on Facebook and did a live about my May wellness box.

WEDNESDAY 11:03 am | The boys made themselves a fort in their room. It even has a couch and coffee table in it! Forts are the best!

WEDNESDAY 11:20 am | Jack and Luke are basically obsessed with Marlie right now, which I love. They’re big helpers and love to get in her playpen with her, but usually get out of it just as quick as they get in because she gets a little too rambunctious at times. Ha! Thankful that they’re no longer scared of her, but instead love on her and play with her a lot.

WEDNESDAY 12:07 pm | At Food City again and picking up just a few Dr. Enufs. Couldn’t help myself.

WEDNESDAY 12:35 pm | Out running errands and you know, had to get a car selfie. They’re my favorite! Get in some photos, friends!

WEDNESDAY 2:54 pm | Caylin doing her Language Arts on her bed listening to iTunes. She loves music and her favorite song right now is an old song from Cody Simpson. I’m holding on tight during these teenage years.

WEDNESDAY 3:55 PM | My drink of choice lately. Loving the Grapefruit, Strawberry + Watermelon Waterloo.

WEDNESDAY 4:32 pm | I was cleaning up the kitchen and Jack stopped by for a Marlie hug.

WEDNESDAY 3:59 pm | At my desk again getting some work done. Finishing up an outline, sending some emails and I asked Jack to take a photo of me at my desk. It only took about 10 tries and then he finally got one! Ha!

WEDNESDAY 8:28 pm | The sky looks so beautiful tonight. There’s a slight coolness in the air and a lot of gratitude in my heart.

WEDNESDAY 8:52 pm | Pump site change for Caylin tonight. Marlie was trying to jump up on us as we were doing it so into her crate she went for a bit.

You were good, Wednesday. You were good. 

If you want to learn more about Week in the Life, check out Ali’s website HERE