In Inspiration/ Scrapbooking/ Week in the Life/ WITL2019

Week in the Life™ 2019 | Sunday Words + Photos

Well, it’s the last day of Week in the Life documentation and I’m proud to say that I finished yet another year of documenting and it feels GOOD. I have loved this week. Sure I slowed down a bit here and there, but overall I am SO thankful for this documentation project. It always gives me that gentle nudge to be more intentional with my photos + the stories that I want to hold onto. It’s a beautiful reminder of the good in this life and the blessings that fill the every day. I highly recommend that you give this documentation project a-go whether you pick a week that YOU would like or you do this with me next year at the designated week that Ali schedules it. Either way – it will be something that you and your family will treasure. I promise. 

So here are my Sunday words + photos.

SUNDAY 6:57 | Up and atem’ with Marlie. It’s rainy and messy out, but thankfully she is getting the “shake off” command pretty down well!

SUNDAY 8:15 am | Luke is the first one up and comes to snuggle with me on the couch. He gave me a big hug and said, “HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY, MAMA” and it was the sweetest. Then he told me to take a picture of him and proceeded to drive me nuts asking to play the Cartoon Network app on my phone over and over again. My quiet time got cut a bit short this morning.

SUNDAY 10:01 am | On this Mother’s Day I’m also super thankful to be a dog Mama again. She’s my buddy and in these hard + exhausting Mama days it’s nice to have puppy snuggles again. It’s such a gift.

SUNDAY 10:52 am | Sweet Mother’s Day notes in my desk. Thank you, Lord for these precious little people.

SUNDAY 2:37 pm | Took a Mother’s Day nap. Luke knew that I was doing WITL and he snapped this photo for me! So funny! I’ve trained him well!

SUNDAY 3:39 pm | My roses are actually blooming and doing well! Made me smile today!

SUNDAY 4:38 pm | This little stinker is mocking me up there on the couch. I told her to sit down and yet there she is perched hanging over the top. I’m in trouble with this one.

SUNDAY 6:28 pm | There was a beautiful sun shower that came out of nowhere. I just the light that is pouring through the clouds.

SUNDAY 6:30 pm | Trying to wear Marlie out a little bit with some fetch. She is almost like a horse – she gallops and when she’s coming full force at ya – watch out!

SUNDAY 7:00 pm | Nope, we’re not in our Sundays finest, but this is what today looks like and this was as good as it was going to get today. I’ll take it. So thankful for these knuckleheads. Love being their Mama.

SUNDAY 7:56 pm | I love this time of the day when the light pours into my office window. So thankful for this space.

SUNDAY 8:02 pm | Caylin walked into my office to show me her latest anime drawing. She’s been practicing so much. She’s getting really good! It’s her new favorite thing to draw.

SUNDAY 9:04 pm | Saying goodnight to another day. Had mixed emotions all day, but ending it with a grateful heart and remembering that no matter what each day holds, the Lord is my portion. Enjoying the peace in the stillness. Ready for a new week.

And there you go. Week in the Life 2019 … done. Well, the photos + words at least. I’ll be sure to post some updates on this project in my IG stories (you can find me here @kristina.proffitt) and I’ll be sure to share the completed album with y’all, too. 

So thankful for photographs, words + life. 

Thanks for following along with me. XO!

If you want to learn more about Week in the Life, check out Ali’s website HERE