In 30 days of gratitude

30 Days of Gratitude: Day 9


For the last couple of years I’ve done a “30 Days of Gratitude” during the month of November and I’ve really enjoyed it. I’m doing it again this year and I would love it if you would join me. :)

Answer this question: What if you woke up today and all you had in your life was what you thanked God for yesterday? What would your life look like?

Isn’t that a pretty profound question? Makes you think! So the entire month of November, take a bit of time to either blog, write down or even just thank God in prayer for the things that bless your life every day. It’s important.

Here’s what I’m thankful for in no particular order:

  • Shipley’s donuts
  • Cozy Sunday mornings
  • How excited Jack gets over a balloon
  • Thieves cleaner
  • Football

What are YOU thankful for today?