In 30 days of gratitude

30 Days of Gratitude: Day 30


For the last couple of years I’ve done a “30 Days of Gratitude” during the month of November and I’ve really enjoyed it. I’m doing it again this year and I would love it if you would join me. :)

Answer this question: What if you woke up today and all you had in your life was what you thanked God for yesterday? What would your life look like?

Isn’t that a pretty profound question? Makes you think! So the entire month of November, take a bit of time to either blog, write down or even just thank God in prayer for the things that bless your life every day. It’s important.

I really have enjoyed these 30 days of Gratitude. I like to think that EVERY day I have a grateful heart, but I know that at times, all of us could be more grateful and this has really helped to remind me of that. I definitely will thank God EVERY day and I hope you will, too. Thank you so much for following along with me this month. I hope you’ll continue to stop by my blog – there’s a lot more in store. :)

So here’s the last grateful list for 2013.

Today I am grateful for:

  • This 30 Days of Gratitude challenge
  • Footed baby PJs
  • Taking fun rides with the family
  • Take out
  • Watching Christmas specials on TV
  • Checking off to-do lists

What are YOU thankful for today?