In Baby Bird & Bub Bub

What’s new in the shop!

Hi there!

I’ve been a busy little bee in my shop, Baby Bird & Bub Bub, lately! Feeling so creative and love stocking it up with so much! I thought I would take a minute to just show some of the new prints I’ve listed!

I have a goal to have 50 different prints in my shop by the end of the month and I’m happy to say that I think I’m going to reach that goal! I’ve got 45 in there now and so I just need to create 5 more to reach that goal! Pretty happy about that! I’ve got a long to-do list of prints and ideas that I want to do so I think I’ve got enough inspiration to get me there!

I’ve got some more prints in the works, including some adoption prints as well. :)

I’m also 16 sales away from 100 and that is SO exciting to me! I have appreciated and been thankful for EVERY single sale I’ve made these past three months. This little shop has been such blessing to me. Thank you for the support! I’m going to have to think of something super fun to do when I hit 100 sales! ;)

Have a great day today! BIG hugs from me to you!