In Happiness

Tastefully Simple

I’ve had a lot of things to blog about today! LOL! Sorry for the multiple blog posts, but I’ve had so many sweet people offer to help and do what they can to raise money for Caylin’s Cure and I want to get all of the information out there so the money can be raised. Thanks for bearing with me! I promise to post something crafty and creative very soon – OH and baby pictures, too! LOL!

Now onto this fun stuff – my best friend, Nichole, is helping me host an online Tastefully Simple party. I know there are LOTS of people who LOVE Tastefully Simple. Yum! If YOU or someone you know loves them and orders from them or even if you have never heard of Tastefully Simple before, I hope you will click on my direct party link HERE and browse around and place an order!

Nichole is donating all of the profits she makes from this online sale directly to Caylin’s Cure so it’s yet ANOTHER great way to help us raise money while buying some goodies for you and your family!

This Tastefully Simple party will end on June 17th so be sure to check it out today and place an order! Spread the link and the word to your friends and family! ALL sales are SO appreciated and are going to help raise money to find a cure for Type 1 Diabetes.

You can find out more information about Caylin’s Cure HERE.

Thank you so much and BIG hugs!