In Right Now Challenge/ Scrapbooking

Right Now


Happy Friday, friends!

Here’s my Right Now Challenge post for the week! I’m making sure to make note of those things I don’t want to forget! ;)

• Luke was super sad and so Jack says to him, “Luke, you want to hear a poop joke?” and then of course proceeds to make Luke smile.

• I caught Jack singing a love song to his mac n’ cheese the other night. Yep, the boy loves him some mac n’ cheese.

• Luke takes any opportunity he can get to take off all of his clothes and diaper. I find him several times a day butt naked.

• Jack and Michael were having a conversation about Jesus the other night after dinner. Michael was explaining how God & Jesus are the same person – just in different forms. It was the sweetest thing watching them talk together and Jack listening to intently and asking cute little questions.

• Luke is doing a lot of “psssst, hey Mama” lately. Now when he says that, he’ll say, “Evil Chaos.” He’s been watching his siblings play Skylanders a bit too much, obviously. Ha!

That’s it for this week! I hope you all have a great day and weekend ahead!