In Right Now Challenge

Right Now Challenge: Week 14

Happy Good Friday!

Here’s what I’ve got for this weeks, Right Now Challenge!

  • Jack kept complaining about how he wanted to play with Caylin and I heard him say, “Would you do it for a Scoooooooby snack?! :)
  • Michael was talking about how when he was little, he picked up a dead bird and it was stiff as a board. To which Jack said, “Did it have splinters?” Hahaha!
  • I asked Jack how his day was going and he said, “A million times AWESOME!!”
  • Just a typical question Jack asked me, “What does a skeleton do when he’s trying to chase you and he has no powers?” Um, ok?
  • Luke loves to drink his water out of a straw now.
  • Jack: “How many more coiny buckaroos do I need to get that action figure, Mama?” He’s saving up his money for a particular action figure he’s been wanting! ;)

There you have it! I hope you all have a blessed day and Easter ahead! Make it a good one! XOXO!