In Caylin/ Type 1 Diabetes

It’s really not that scary.


“It’s really not that scary.”

Those are the words that my sweet 8-year-old daughter wrote on a piece of paper when she was asked what she would tell a newly diagnosed child with Type 1 Diabetes. I remember watching her draw the little person with a smiley face (her) and reading the words she wrote and holding back my tears. What a brave girl I have. I’m so glad that she is so caring and compassionate and really has a heart for others. Yes, she has Type 1 Diabetes, but you should see her face when she hears of another child being diagnosed. She cringes (like I do) and I can see her get sad. I’m sure there is some comfort in knowing she’s not alone, but her heart breaks for that child, too because she knows how hard it can be. I love her caring heart and so I’m not surprised that she chose to write something to comfort and encourage a child going through something she has gone through.

Just five words and a girl with a smile. Makes me so proud. Such a small piece of paper, but it says so much.

  • November is National Diabetes Awareness Month. If you’d like to donate to the fundraiser that Caylin and I are doing this month to raise $2799 to purchase 10 Jerry the Bears to donate to a Diabetes Summer camp, you can donate HERE and read about the fundraiser and see the prizes you can win HERE. Thank you for your support! We’re almost halfway there!