In Luke

Luke @ 9 months


Here’s what Luke’s up to at 9 months old:

  • Weighs 17lbs 5 oz and is 26 inches long
  • Is waving bye-bye. He puts his hand in a fist and then opens and closes it. SUPER cute!
  • Is saying, “da-da” all of the time. That’s his favorite (and only word) right now. ;)
  • He loves to dance. You put some music on or snap or clap and the boy is getting down. He’s got some moves!
  • Makes “kiss” sounds.
  • Currently fighting nap time. He used to be a good twice a day napper – now he only really sleeps if I’m holding him, if he’s in the car going somewhere or if it’s nighttime.
  • He’s got these few little curls that are poking out on the sides of his head. Wonder if he’s going to be my only curly-haired kid.
  • His top teeth are coming in!
  • He’s almost walking! He will push all of his toys around and “walk” with them and will stand straight up, let go of anything he’s hold and then sit down. He’s going to take off any day now!
  • He did SQUISHY FACE! Yep – all three of my kids have done “squishy face.” It’s a rite of passage in our home. SUPER happy about it and can’t wait to get a picture of it!
  • Loved A LOT. STILL. :)