2 In Right Now Challenge

Right Now Challenge: Week 31

Today marks Week 31 of the challenge! Yay! :)

If you’re not sure what the Right Now Challenge is, check out my blog post HERE to read about the challenge and why I started it.

Here are the few things I wrote down this week:

  • Overheard Caylin say, “Shake what your Mama gave ya!” Cracked me up! Ha!
  • Had a great OB appointment. Strong heartbeat. Everything looked good. Can’t believe I’m already 6 months pregnant!
  • When Jack asks for something, I make sure that he asks nicely for it – meaning to say, “please” and so I will say, “Ask nicely for it” and he sweetly says, “nicely” in place of please. It’s the cutest thing. :)
  • Jack likes to be a “rooster” and go into his Sissy’s room in the morning and do a really loud “Cock-A-Doodle-Doo!!!” to wake her up. He thinks it’s so funny – Caylin, not so much. ;)

That was it for this week! Didn’t get as much down as I would have liked, but these little tidbits are sure sweet! Hope you are remembering to jot down some of your family’s sweet moments! Have a great day!


  • Kiesha Cross
    May 5, 2013 at 12:46 pm

    I have been doing this challenge the last 10 weeks and I love it! I think I commented awhile back but I was new to the blogging world ( and still am very new) but I just recently found out about the no-reply blogger, so silly me probably got a response and never saw or you couldn’t respond because of the whole email thing. Anyways! I love this idea so much. It really helps me remember the little things that you normally would probably forget, or just to simply document how much your little ones grow and learn just within a weeks time! Best idea any blogger has ever put out there! Eventually I will start a project life and can see this helping out a lot with it. I would love to get the little Right now challenge logo to post on my blog, so I can always give proper credit to you! Thanks again and have a wonderful day!

  • Kate Harbin
    May 8, 2013 at 3:04 pm

    Ha ha @ the Jack as a Rooster thing. :)