In 30 days of gratitude

30 Days of Gratitude: Day 24

*Last year I did this really wonderful, “30 Days of Gratitude” during the month of November and I really enjoyed it. November has snuck up on me, like I am sure it has all of you, but I would love for you to join along with me this month.

This is the question I asked last year, What if you woke up today and all you had in your life was what you thanked God for yesterday? What would your life look like?

Pretty profound, huh? I think so, too! So let’s take this month to jot down some things we are thankful for every day. You can write it in a notebook (alongside your “Right Now” challenge bits and pieces) or even post about it on your blog each day. Trust me, it’ll be worth the small amount of time it takes to be in the moment and thankful for the blessings that fill your life.

Here is what I am thankful for today:

  • Blueberry pancakes
  • Cold and frosty mornings
  • Photoshop and Illustrator
  • My camera
  • My happy yellow mug
  • Sweet family ornaments that have meaning behind them
  • Looking back at old photographs from past Christmases
  • Shopping for the elderly veteran we adopted for Christmas
  • Looney Tunes cartoons (and any of the classic cartoons)
  • NOT having to deal with the crazy black Friday sales yesterday
  • Leftover pie

What are YOU thankful for today?