2 In Type 1 Diabetes/ Type 1 Tuesday

Diabetes trash

On any given day, you’ll find a lot of the above scattered all over our house. From the kitchen counter, to my bedroom dresser and even in my purse – you’ll always find at least one open alcohol pad and blood sugar test strip. Caylin gets her blood sugar checked 8-12 times a day, usually. Sometimes more. Sometimes less. We go through A LOT of the above and that produces a lot of “diabetes trash.” I could open up an alcohol pad in my sleep, I think. ;) Thankfully I hate clutter and so the above trash is never around for long, but every now and then I will find a testing strip in some crazy place and it makes me laugh. I can’t escape those little suckers. ;) This “diabetes trash” is just one of those things that becomes normal once diabetes enters your life. Caylin and I are definitely looking into holding onto some of this trash for next year’s Diabetes Art Day. Gotta put it to good use, right? ;)

Have a great day!

  • stephanie
    October 2, 2012 at 8:02 am

    It’s incredible. She is so brave! On a positive side… I love your countertops ;o)

  • Robin
    October 2, 2012 at 9:11 am

    LOL…what is it about test strips? It’s like Hansel and Gretl’s trail…but test strips instead of crumbs! I’ve given Kate a mini-waste container to put her used strips in and what does she do…just leaves them in the meter case. Then I saw a teen T1 post a picture of the same thing! Ugh! Happy Tuesday!